How To Get What You Want
Relationships/Career/Goals/Work-Life Balance
When you woke up this morning, did you jump out of bed with excitement and anticipation, or with a groan and want to hide your head under the pillow? Most of us wake up somewhere between the two and our life is pretty much the same routine day in and day out.
For many people, that is enough for them and they don’t want anything to come into their life that might affect the status quo. For others though, there is a desire to see things change, but there is a fear associated with change that seems to hold them back. Which of these best describes where you are at the moment? If you are in a place of wanting change, but not sure how to affect it, read on.
Many of the famous names we read of in newspapers and magazines, had a past that was very different from the one they have today. If you are not satiisfied with where you are today, where do you see yourself being in 10 years time?
Do you have a life plan and goals to achieve? Sit down either by yourself or with a partner if you have one and decide to set some life goals today. This about your dreams and then choose one or two of them to develop into goals. You can create this plan yourself, even without a partner.
Make your goals measurable so you can follow your progress. Don’t just write down what you will do, but create plans to help you achieve your goals. Turning dreams into goals, will help you make better life choices leading to achieving your goals.
With direction for your life, then you'll develop the confidence you need to get what you want.