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Writer's pictureNatalie Angrisani

Sheltered in Place

Now that many of us are Sheltered in Place, we have the time to think about how we have been going about our daily routines and where they take us. The one thing that we often overlook is self-care. That is something that we brush aside for what is often perceived as more important things; such as: business meetings, social commitments, and family obligations.

While these things are important (and can in some cases contribute to self-care), it is important that we take time to ourselves (and not only now). This personal investment will not be for nothing; in fact, self-care is important if we want to improve any area of our lives. Now is as good a time as any (if not more so), to maintain our emotional and mental attitudes and health.

Maintaining perspective

If you are Sheltered in Place, you now have the time to reflect on what we do and who we are and therefore better understand ourselves as individuals. Take the time to identify your triggers and put things in to perspective, rearranging priorities to understand what is important and what isn’t. This perspective contributes to a healthier life as we understand where stress is justified and where we should be more relaxed.

Keep a positive mindset

In addition to physical health, we also need to take care of our mental and emotional well-being. People who invest time in taking care of themselves are more likely to be more optimistic and see the silver linings in situations. Maintaining a positive mindset, is an effective way for maintaining positive moods and not succumbing to "the dark side" of our emotions.

Self-care improves work performance

While self-care is sometimes seen as indulgent, it often has a much broader impact that goes beyond our own lives. People who invest in self-care are more likely to be healthier, both physically and mentally, and are therefore better prepared to perform tasks. During this time of being Sheltered in Place, we need to develop new routines to maintain productivity and stay focused. This will have a direct benefit on us now and will be highly beneficial for those who return to the traditional workplace.

Take the time to establish a good routine that includes self-care practices, whatever this looks like to you. Taking care of ourselves is an important component of maintaining good health.

Be well. Stay healthy and take care of yourself.

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