Remember those scenes from The Exorcist where the priest tries to drive the ghost out of the possessed child? Driving away negative thoughts doesn’t require as much effort, but it is not always easy to do. You can’t just tell them to be gone, but instead, you need to have a strategy for driving them away and keeping them out of your mind and not in your attitude. BE AWARE OF HOW WE SOUND
During stressful times, it may not always possible to recognize negative thoughts, because we are in an unusual situation. It is important, however, to pay attention to our words and how they sound and are received by others. During this time of COVID-19, it will not serve any purpose for us to complain about the circumstances or the limits of social distancing as it may have some positive outcomes. This may be the perfect time to better understand who we are and where are priorities lead us. It may also be the perfect time to improve our communication with each other, catch up on our reading, and even do some much needed spring cleaning. While you're at it toss the negative thoughts as well.
Getting your body moving is an easy way to change your mood and eliminating negative thoughts. You don’t have to run a marathon or bicycle 30 miles to make that kind of can just step up, take a walk, do some jumping jacks, or dance. That’s Try turning on your favorite music and moving and grooving for a few minutes; see if you’re feeling negative afterward. In fact, having music playing while you are working around the house (spring cleaning), will have you singing along (especially when you are listening to some of the "oldies") and that will also keep you in a better mood. WRITE LETTERS, TALK ON THE PHONE, EMAIL
Since we are spending more time at home now, why not call or email a friend or a family member who has recently had a celebration or something positive happen in their lives and let them know how pleased you are for them, then let it remind you of some positives that have happened with you. You could also start a new hobby or get back to one that you let go. It's a good time to start a craft or an art project.
When you eliminate negative and focus of positives, your attitude changes as well. As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, be aware of the vibes you send out to others and remember the things that you really are grateful for. Be thankful for family, friends, your health and when you speak with others, smile!