Think about what your objectives will actually mean in real terms. The career path you think might bring you the most satisfaction and sense of accomplishment may not be the one that actually leads to you being happy.
Consider for moment the idea of being a corporate executive of a big corporation. This is an idea that a lot of people find very appealing until they actually live that life. Being an executive of a corporation could mean getting phone calls during your home life, late hours and dealing with stressful business issues. This lifestyle will only appeal to a certain type of person
This is where the concept of lifestyle design comes in. Lifestyle design means choosing a job to suit the lifestyle you really want, rather than choosing a lifestyle to fit around your job. So don’t just think about what you think will make you happy – actually imagine the day-to-day result of achieving your goals and whether that makes you happy too.
If you’re having difficulty defining the kinds of lifestyle and things that make you truly happy then another option is to think about the times that you were happiest. If you can think back to the last time you felt really great, this may well be a good way to identify the kinds of situations and lifestyle that make you happy.
Another way is to think about what you really want to achieve is what you want to be remembered for.
What do you want people to say about you?
What really matters to you?